Sunday, June 3, 2012

Small Business Ideas ? An Email Marketing Lesson From My Daughter


One of my favourite pastimes is talking science with my kids.

Can?t beat an evening of evolution, cosmology and debunking the idea of ghosts, ghouls, long-legged creepies and things that go bump in the night.

Alas, even bright kids trip themselves up on common psychological tripwires ? the same ones business owners trip themselves up with when it comes to email marketing.

Let me explain.

Rosie, my youngest daughter, was telling me her laptop charger was broken. And indeed it was. The cable had frayed and parted right at the plug where it goes into the laptop.

So I suggested she try another one from one of the other laptops.

?It won?t fit?, she said.

?How do you know??

?Well, it?s a different brand so it will be different?.

?Have you tried it??

?No, but I doubt it will work?.

?But you don?t know for sure??.


?So why not go and get one and see if it fits. If it does, then you can stop pestering your brother for HIS laptop and use your own?.

Now, I don?t know if you?ve ever tried to get a 12yo to get off her butt and actually DO something, but the conversation went round in that vein for a while.

Eventually, though, she got up, fetched a charger and?

? it was a perfect fit.

Just think, all that hassle and lost computer-time simply because she had already decided what worked instead of actually TESTING what works.

Yeah, you?re probably smiling at this, especially if you have teenagers, but, you know adults are no better, really.

I mean, I know loads of business owners who somehow magically ?know? their list won?t respond favourably to daily emails, long copy and all the other direct response marketing strategies and tactics experience shows us actually DO work.

They have had it ?revealed? to them, no doubt, through their ?intuition? and ?other ways of knowing? that regular and frequent marketing emails written in a conversational tone and sending them to sales pages won?t work.

And it?s possible they could be right.

After all, the fact EVERYONE who has ever done this in my experience has had a substantial boost in sales is not conclusive evidence everyone always will.

But it?s highly indicative of a trend, and?

? if you don?t TRY it, you won?t ever actually KNOW.

And unlike my daughter, you won?t just be missing out on a bit of idle tomfoolery on Facebook or whatever: you?re perhaps missing out on profits.

Something to think on, perhaps?

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