Sunday, April 8, 2012

New Genealogy Blogs April 7, 2012 | GeneaBloggers

new genealogy blogs

There are 14 newly-discovered genealogy and family-history related blogs that we?ve located this week. Remember to try and help out these new blogs by:

  • using any follow?feature listed on the blog
  • adding them to your blog reader
  • adding a comment on their blog saying ?hi? and ?welcome?

Here are this week?s new listings:

all roads lead to london

All Roads Lead to London
Blog type: Individual genealogy, UK genealogy

I?ve been researching my family history for 10 years now and? have decided that 2012 will be the year that I do something will all the information I?ve acquired.? It?s no good just collecting paper (certificates, census pages etc) and leaving it sitting in folders gathering dust on the shelf.

When I started researching I was intrigued to find that although my more recent ancestors were Londoners, the families had arrived in London from various parts of England.? Then I ventured onto my husband?s family history and found a similar picture.? This has led me on to finding out more about the growth of London and the migration from the more rural areas of England.

I also wanted to prove (or disprove!) some of the family stories I had been told.? The blog will range across direct family history research, taking in local and social history on the way, along with my love of old maps and postcards.

barking up the wrong tree

Barking Up The Wrong Tree
Blog type: Genealogy education

In genealogy many of us have made mistakes and are quick to correct them when they are found. Others copy from other family trees and never notice the errors. When the errors are pointed out many of those same people refuse to correct their trees or their trees have been abandoned so the errors are there for eternity. Here we will laugh, mock and shake our heads at the carelessness, stupidity and/or ignorance of those errors :-)

All posts are taken from trees published online.

Tuesdays will be those posts. Fridays I?ll have tips for beginners and possibly discussion of WDYTYA? episodes as they air.

berkshire research

Berkshire Research
Blog type: Professional genealogy blog, UK genealogy

I am a Professional Genealogist who lives and works in the wonderful Royal County of Berkshire in the UK.? With over fifteen years-experience as a researcher, I can help you find your Berkshire roots!

I have a BA Honours degree in History from the London School of Economics. It was a wonderful experience for a young person as the degree was intercollegiate, which meant I could attend classes and lectures at several different colleges within London University, not just the LSE. I am proud to be a graduate of some amazing institutions such as SOAS and University College.

After graduating and a few uninspiring years in marketing, I went back to college to study the London University?s Certificate in ?Genealogy and History of the Family? at Birkbeck College. In those days, it was one of the very few certificated, serious academic courses available. It turned out to be a fascinating two years of study, which concentrated on historical research methodology, something that was lacking in my original degree course. The standards were high ? one of the examiners was Anthony Camp, a big name in genealogical circles!

Having hosted the ?Irish Estate Papers Index? and the ?Irish Tontine Index? for several years, I went full-time as a Professional Genealogist in the second half of the 1990?s.? Since then, I have covered London, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Wiltshire and of course Berkshire. Although, I still travel regularly to London for research at Guildhall, the London Metropolitan Archives, the British Library and the National Archives, over the last six years I have been focusing most of my attention on my home county, Berkshire.

faces of worcester polonia

Faces of Worcester Polonia
Blog type: Massachusetts genealogy, Polish genealogy

In 1990 my grandmother died and left a treasure trove of vintage photographs from the early twentieth century of the Polish immigrant community of Worcester, Massachusetts. The majority of my photos date from between 1900 and 1930.? If you are related to or recognize anyone in any of my photographs I?d love to hear from you!

family reflections

Family Reflections: The Blog
Blog type: Individual family history

This is a supplement to my family history website ?Family Reflections?. It will document my research as I delve into my my four main lines: Ruffing, Garland, Coleman, Bernardo. As well as provide articles on doing your own genealogical research.

fiddles and folklore

Fiddles & Folklore: Our Acadian-French Heritage
Blog type: Acadian genealogy, Canadian genealogy, French-Canadian genealogy, Louisiana genealogy

This journey begins with Sardine Point, Louisiana and it will take us along the Mississippi River, to the port of New Orleans and eventually to the lands of eastern Cananda and France. We will be researching surnames Bourgoyne, Ferbos, Frioux or Fryoux, Landry, Marson, Roccaforte, Smith, Tullier and others from Iberville and West Baton Rouge Parishes in Louisiana.


Blog type: Technology blog

GeneaTeach is a genealogy blog whose main goal is to make readers aware of the latest technology news relating to their genealogical research.

not your mothers genealogy

Not Your Mother?s Genealogy
Blog type: Individual family history

My name is Carrie Keele and I am a genealogist. And I am not my mother, though I love her dearly!

on grannys trail

On Granny?s Trail
Blog type: Genealogy education, Individual family history

This is a place to share some of the family history research I have accumulated over the years for the surnames Pomeroy, Morris, Tanner, Foutz, Gooch, Matheson, Shults, and Connell. I hope that cousins will benefit from this and will also share what they have found.

All of these family lines eventually moved west of the Mississippi. They settled in Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, and California so in the process of finding them I have come across some great genealogy libraries, archives, and collections for researching in the western United States. I?d love to share these with other researchers and have them share their favorites with me.

Please feel free to comment and share your favorite resources for Western States genealogy, or share what you know about these family lines.

perthshire ancestry

Perthshire Ancestry
Blog type: UK Genealogy

Hello everyone and welcome to my Blog for Perthshire Ancestry which is the home of my Genealogy business.

For a new business, I have to say it has been a pleasingly busy start.? I am passionate about local history and helping people discover things about their family tree they didn?t know.? I haven?t found a tree yet that doesn?t have an intriguing, happy, amazing, sad or tragic story in it somewhere.

I?ll use this Blog to share some of the circumstances I come across (no names ? confidentiality is key!) and how I have managed to solve them? or not!? I?ll also share any of the interesting facts and stories I come across surrounding Perth and Perthshire on my journey.

I hope you enjoy my whitterings,? Please take time to visit the Perthshire Ancestry web site as I?ll be updating it regularly.

san mateo county genealogy

San Mateo County Genealogy Blog
Blog type: California genealogy, Genealogy society blog

San Mateo County Genealogical Society?s Blog featuring society events, projects, meeting notes and other items of relevance to genealogists.

searching the past

Searching for the Past
Blog type: Individual family history

I?m writing a blog following my trials and troubles with genealogy.? I post helpful ideas and the things I have found along the way while researching my family histories.

the distant clansman

The Distant Clansman
Blog type: Individual family history

The Distant Clansman site was built as a positive medium for the subjects of history, but more specifically family history. We hope to provide information to help anyone interested in beginning their search into the past, or maybe just answer a question for those who have already started.

Who are the Distant Clansmen?? We are a father and son team who, first and foremost, love history and genealogy.? We are amateurs, just average Joes, with more than fifteen years of genealogical and historical research stored about the house.? Our philosophy is grassroots ? genealogical information in the form of public records should be free to the researcher except for the maintenance and handling fees charged by the housing facility.? Secondly, research should be liberally shared between other amateur genealogists, but only when it can be collaborated with documentation or multiple witness accounts. Thirdly, we believe that the social, political, economic and martial events occurring around a particular individual being researched played a strong, influential part in who that person was.? These life events should be researched and incorporated into the study of that person?s life with the same zeal that their ancestor?s lineage is researched.? No person can separate their thoughts and views from current affairs. They shape our character whether we realize it at the time or not.

This is not just a site for ?Burns? family history or research.? ?Our? family traces their extended roots back to Scotland, Ireland and England.? Most of those ancestors arrived and began their Americanization in the Colony of Virginia.? Oddly, most of those later regrouped in the isolated mountains of Eastern Kentucky in Clay County.? It is for this reason that we consider Clay County, Kentucky ground-zero for our genealogical research.? From this many times volatile location, our ancestors spread out to every state in the Union and several other countries, including back to Scotland, England and Ireland.

Our genealogical research data includes, but is not limited to, the Burns, Baker, Davidson, Hensley, Martin, McCraw, and Spurlock families.? Our historical research includes, (but again, is not limited to), the Colonial Period, Revolutionary Period, World Wars I and II, and Eastern Kentucky histories.

the sanford misfit

The Sanford Family Misfit
Blog type: Individual family history

Spending the early years of my life in my grandparents home helped me to cultivate a deep appreciation for my heritage, roots, and family history. In 2005 I began to take my family research more seriously as a way of coping with the death of my Papaw. I become an active member of Genforum, Ancestry, and Find-A-Grave in order to make connections to help further my research, but became frustrated over the lack of information that was available on the Sanford line of Haywood County, North Carolina. Once I hit a point in my research that I felt comfortable sharing what I had learned I created The Sanford Family Misfit, so others could benefit from my knowledge on the Sanford families of Haywood County.

? 2012, copyright Thomas MacEntee

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